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Handed down classic review N ° 5 fashion industry fashion.

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Handed down classic review N ° 5 fashion industry fashion.-紅茶防蛀牙2013-08-07 12:57 source: "fashion COSMO" Edit / Chen Yanfei

pawlotsky: today, N° 5 signs across borders,LV皮夾, Chuan Lianqi gardens, a book, a poem, and even to a landmark art movement, and always exudes timeless modern atmosphere. And in the 92 year after today, Chanel the about N° the 5 bit by bit carefully collected, together in Paris and Tokyo palace, "cultural Chanel - N° 5" bring us a across time and space travel to the center of the universe, chanel. N° 5 Nights: Bon nuit Paris began fragrance journey is always accompanied by flowers, so also is for this exhibition opening to build the perfect garden.

N° 5 Nights: Bon nuit Paris

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fragrance journey is always accompanied by flowers, so also is for this exhibition opening to build the perfect garden. The hand built New York high-speed air Park and the London Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park on Holland master gardener Peter · Aoduofu brought the first garden works made in France, the novel concept of Poetic Garden is N° call 5,LV皮夾, mix 7000 kinds of plants, brings a strong sense of the picture.

this is a subtle fragrance floating night, Tokyo palace curator is · · Loisy and "culture Chanel - N° 5" exhibition curator is · Louis · Fermon jointly attended the opening ceremony. Many artists, celebrity guests and the media gathered in this grand event, including Chanel N° 5 advertising spokesman Carlo · wave GUI and Audrey · Tartu, Chanel brand ambassador Vanessa · Paradis, Anna ·, Astrid · Lalisi; Mogg; Boggs Furuisibei, Xun Zhou, actor and Chanel brand ambassador Gaspard · Uriel, film director Jean Pierre · heat, Chanel perfume master Jacques · wave giant and Christophe · Xie Jueke, artist Sophie · Carle, Zhou Yi, Jean Michel ·, ·, Outuoniye; Fabrice; Eberl, as well as jewelry designer fine beauty · Chloe Sofsky, actress and model Alma · Jo do Lovskey, jewelry designer Gaia · Leibo West,Handed down classic review N ° 5 fashion industry fashion., actor Estrada · Warren, supermodel Xigelide · Agren, N° 5 perfume ad photographer Dominic &mid>

台長: 三道茶v
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