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2007-01-03 16:43:29| 人氣18| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The Tramp

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1.Q:What was Chaplin from?

2.Q:Why was he sent to orphanages?
A:His mom’s mental health failed and his father is a tippler.

3.Q:Why did he begine ti perform on stage?
A:One night,when Hannah Chaplin’s voice failed,she invited her five-year-old son on stage to help her.Charlie sang and danced,and then amused audience threw coins at the child’s feet.Thereafter,Charlie was hooked on performing.

4.Q:What were Chaplin’s movies about?
A:Inquality of the social classes,greed and the over-mechanization of society.

5.Q:Chaplin was an acter,but what other parts of flimmaking did he do?
A:Flim maker and editer.

6.Q:Why were conservative groups suspicious of Chaplin?
A:They think he is a communist.

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