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2009-06-12 19:17:57| 人氣161| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

When I’m Gone

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When I'm Gone / The Click Five

Dear love
Better sit down
Bad news
Get the word out
Accidents come with conclusions

I'm numb
On the asphalt
Don't cry
Wasn't your fault
I can't feel
It's just confusion
Keep on, keep on, keep on, when I'm gone

And the lights are out
Don't be sad for long
When I'm gone
And the lights are out
I'll be shining on
I'm just gonna let my life bleed on this letter
Let my song sing on forever
I'll still love you when I'm gone

Tear drops
Paint the faces
Is contagious
Twisting back
Clutching a red rose
Hold on, hold on, hold on, my love goes on

And the lights are out
Don't be sad for long
When I'm gone
And the lights are out
I'll be shining on
I'm just gonna let my life bleed on this letter
Let my song sing on forever
I'll still love you when I'm gone

And the lights are out
Don't be sad for long
When I'm gone
And the lights are out
I'll be shining on
I'm just gonna let my life bleed on this letter
Let my song sing on forever
I'll still love you when I'm gone

And the lights are out
Don't be sad for long
When I'm gone
And the lights are out
I'll be shining on
I'm just gonna let my life bleed on this letter
Let me song sing on forever
I'll still love you when I'm gone



§ Music:http://mymedia.yam.com/m/2517134

台長: 繨羅
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