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Get Careless Driving Denver Lawyer Free Advice!

 Careless Driving Denver Lawyer 

Careless Driving Colorado CRS § 42-4-1402 CRS. Careless Driving may be charged as either a Class 2 Misdemeanor Traffic Offense (in cases where there is no injury or death to another person) or a Class 1 Misdemeanor Traffic Offense (in cases where there is injury or death to a nother). Often, Careless Driving is charged when there is a motor vehicle accident involving property damage or personal injury, with a mandatory court appearance by the driver. Careless Driving is also a “catch-all charge” often written by officers where no other traffic charge seems to fit the violation. A charge for Careless Driving without bodily injury or death to another person is a moderately serious charge. It is a Class 2 Misdemeanor Traffic Offense and a conviction may result in a scheduled fine plus court costs and surcharges, a possible jail sentence (usually only ordered in cases where there are aggravating factors, such as injury to a person or reckless indifference to the safety of others), restitution, community or useful public service, probation for one year or longer, and other possible requirements by the court, with an assessment of 4 points to the driver's license. In some cases, this violation may affect your automobile insurance coverage for years to come. A charge for Careless Driving where the driver's actions are the proximate cause of bodily injury or death to another person is a serious charge. It is a Class 1 Misdemeanor Traffic Offense and a conviction may result in a scheduled fine plus court costs and surcharges, a possible jail sentence, restitution, community or useful public service , probation for one year or longer, and other possible requirements by the court, with an assessment of points — 4 points for causing bodily injury or 12 points for causing death — to the driver's license. In some cases, this violation may affect your automobile insurance coverage for years to come.

台長: desentupidora
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