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2007-01-08 00:34:28| 人氣46| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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I miss you 4C,
although I didn’t say to you all face to face.
I miss you 4C,
Miss the days we were in British Literature, in Research and in Drama.
Because we’ve been through tears, happiness and helping each other.
I miss you 4C,
You guys gave me a home that when I was down,
you guys gave me hope when I felt frustrated.
I miss you 4C....
miss the days we were in school’s cafeteria, chatting nonsence issues or discussing homeworks...
Thank you for giving me such beautiful experiences in this 4 years
Thank you for helping me to be a mature woman, my beloved teachers.
I miss you 4C....I really miss you

台長: 黛比
人氣(46) | 回應(1)| 推薦 (0)| 收藏 (0)| 轉寄
全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫)

Good I miss you,too
2007-01-08 00:39:43
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