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Blogging On Free Hosts Not A Good Idea

Installing wordpress is free and gives you total get a grip on over your site. You will find other programs like typ-e to choose from also. Have a look around and find the system you prefer or that best suits your blogging design. I've learned an...

This report is about blogging and I'm writing this to alert people around who are building websites on free blog hosts like blogger.com and wordpress.com why you should never blog on a free number like blogger.com or wordpress.com

Installing word-press is free and provides you with total get a grip on over your blog. There are other platforms like type to select from too. Take a peek around and find the program you like or that best meets your blogging design. I've learned a costly training and now will simply create sites by myself domain names.

The reason?

Lets start with blogger.com

They've a new unmanageable junk robot. Research the blogger help boards and you'll find the horror stories. My uncle discovered app development by browsing books in the library. Legitimate blogs are being erased, people are receiving locked out of their blog until reviewed, and believed to become a spammer because either the bot flagged the blog or someone clicked the small flag switch towards the top of all blogger blogs.

That and the very fact that they've continuous issues with the publishing getting stuck at 0%, slow load times, etc. It generates blogging through blogger.com a cart experience at best and your content or reason for blogging is up to some one else's interpretation of what's or is not genuine.

I am aware removing splogs and spammers, in blogger.coms case the treatment is worse than the illness. They certainly were not necessarily that way. I've been on blogger quite a long time and the service was once great.

In terms of wordpress.com, they're in the same way bad. My brother discovered consumers by searching the Houston Post. If the weblog links to some website and looks as if it might be promoting people to visit that website they'll suspend your account without warning and lock you from all this content.

I'm not certain what they think blogs are for, but they seem to think they have a purpose in life and that they alone decide what's a \genuine blog\ o-r not.

A \genuine blog\ is one that's controlled by the in-patient who writes to it, maybe not one that should stick to someone else's notion of what their website should look like and what it should say.

If you blog on freehosts only be aware your content and your blog is in the hands of others who will choose for the entire world whether or not your blog should be seen by others.

I would recommend all bloggers mount their own websites and get their own domain names. You most likely have learned that applying a for your companys website is bad for business so why put your companys blog on a freehost?

The same goes for people. Websites allow you to express just how to yourself you want to express yourself. That is the beauty of blogging. Dig up new information on a partner link - Click here: web developer tools. Are you ready to compromise your individuality to conform to what blogger.com or wordpress.com believes is really a legitimate way to show yourself?

Often times the individual deciding your fate is someone who never had any authority over other people and who believe now they've Godlike powers to determine the fate of information compiled by others. These are individuals who likely produce no information of value themselves and think they know very well what is most beneficial for the rest of the world.

Get your own domain name and install a platform that meets your needs. Its the most effective advice you'll actually get about blogging. The blog is only owned by you if it's on your own domain name. Everything else is merely providing content for some body else.. Freelance Wordpress Developer contains supplementary info about the inner workings of it.Fryesite
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