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Woodlice is a nuisance creating small creatures. They are commonly found in damp areas of jungles and household gardens. They are not as dangerous as they didn't bite, sting, or transmit any disease. Woodlice are non-harmful small insects, they do not attack your food, clothes, or any other home stuff, nor did they spread any type of diseases. Now the question arises here if they are not harmful, then why people ask- how to get rid of woodlice?

Before answering that, there's quick info about woodlice their looking, structure, and some common facts about them.


Woodlice - Anatomical Structure


Woodlice, this small creature belongs to the family of crustaceans that also include shrimp and lobsters. It is also known as 'Pill Bugs' in the United States and 'Slater Bugs' in New Zealand. It is small and oval-shaped and has a length of 12-15mm. 

It has a shell-like exoskeleton wrapped with brown/grey color and has numerous distinctive ridges with the exoskeleton. Woodlice also have a pair of antennae.

But if these creatures don't feed on home stuff, nor related to human being and their health, then what makes these pests enter your premises? 


Why Woodlice Enter at Premises?

You'll once sometime found woodlice in your garden, mostly they live in the garden, and didn't enter someone's house- they usually live under rocks and stone in dark and cold soil.

If you see a singular woodlouse wandering inside your home don't get panic, it just accidentally went in there by mistake.

But if you see a bunch of woodlice inside, then there's something definitely at your home that's rotten and attracting them.

Woodlice always lie under damp and moist places, and the human tendency to maintain a dry and warm environment inside keeps these bugs out.

But during Monsoon season, these bugs find their way to your home.

If an old wood log gets wet during the monsoon and you put it in your home in a couple of hours, all the bugs present in your garden get attract to the wet wooden log inside your home.

Signs that You Must Consider House Is Full of Woodlice

Woodlice have never seen single at any place, as they mostly roam around everywhere in a bunch of so many woodlice's. 

If you spot a couple of bugs wandering near your wooden furniture, then there's an infestation by these pests.

They are non-harmful, but they can cause superficial damage to your wooden objects like- furniture, wooden floors, beams, etc.

So if you found these pests at your home, take a quick inspection of every wooden place in your home.

Also, check if there are cracks in the walls and ceilings as these pests move in that place too.


Measure About How Rid of these Pests

It's monsoon, and you're worrying about if woodlice invade your premise?

Then there is no need to worry here are some of the precautionary measures you can apply to get these bugs out. Measures are-

try not to put moist wood logs inside your home, vacuum daily and check your wooden furniture thrice a week, try to maintain the room temperature dry and warm, do not leave cracks in walls and ceiling. By these measures, you can smoothly stop the infestation of woodlice at your premises.

But if you have already spotted them, try to call the expertise of pest control as soon as possible, and make your home pest-free.

Now you get all the details about ' how to get rid of woodlice ', precautions , and pest control make your home pest-free for a long time.

台長: robertsmithtask
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