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2005-07-08 00:16:18

The Best Thing

Never want to fly Never want to leave Never want to say what you mean to me Never want to run Frightened to believe You're the best thing about me Sometimes I feel like this is only chemistry ...

2005-07-08 00:16:18

To all my friends ---> Crash And Burn

When you feel alone And the world has turned its back on you Give me a moment please to tame your wild wild heart I know that you feel like the walls are closing in on you It's hard to find relief...

2005-07-05 21:16:18

This ->........................Close

I was this ->..................close to having my scooter towed yesterday. I parked my scooter in front of this bookshop and ran in to find these computer books I wanted to check out. While inside ...

2005-07-02 22:16:18

光明正大睡午覺 -- "悲歡歲月"

今天下去台中吃飯 飛先生說好東西跟好朋友分享 就帶我們去了這間很有日本風味的 悲歡歲月 [本來還以為是什麼怪怪的店...] 進去要脫鞋子 [恩...幸好襪襪沒有破洞] 可以選擇要做桌子還是他他米 [那麼有日本...

2005-07-01 00:16:18


:ㄨ~~ㄟˊ~~?[帶點不確定低低的聲音] *喂? :ㄨ~~ㄟˊ~~!![肯定的聲音] *Jason?! :...我不是Jason [你是白痴嗎?口氣] *ㄟ?!那你是誰? :妳猜!笨蛋!呵呵呵...[好熟...

2005-07-01 00:16:18


*I'm going to an interview today!!!! :是做什麼的...? *XX科技...作手機面板的 :工作內容呢 [以下省略] :公司在那... *湖口....好像是湖口工業區....我去過那附近...可是就是會...

2005-06-29 10:16:17

Next Stage

I'm moving on to the next stage in life ... no ... I'm not having a kid... I've found a new job! From now on I won't be teaching [full time] anymore ^_^ I'm going to be a Japanese secretary...

2005-06-25 02:16:17

Pig and Whistle

June 24th was Salsa Night and since Taly was into Latin dance we decided to check it out. It was my first time in Pig and Whistle. I was soooo excited to see "Fish and Chips" on the menu... but the...

2005-06-17 15:16:17
2005-06-16 11:16:17

National Sport

Collecting Hello Kitty became a national sport Trying to buy enough to make up $77 so I get a magnet Snacks, drinks, desserts ... I've successfully gained another 2-4kgs 6_o... Gotta stop! T...

2005-06-16 02:16:17


What time is it? Can you see clearly? How long to go before 12? Half an hour? or 5 minutes? Holding destiny in your hands This fake one is making her way to the door Run before the clock s...

2005-06-15 13:16:18

Bottoms up!

最後一次喝醉是多久以前? 好像是去年年頭吧 某大伯要我喝喝看他自己做的桑甚酒 跟狗狗一樣的了幾下就倒在沙發上睡昏了 醒了好想吐 好暈 2001年第一次喝 為了慶祝Sarah拿到講學金 大家居然拉我去喝酒 點了...

2005-06-13 14:16:18


[序]...好像是吧 寶貝婷婷畢業了! 為了表示對這件事的重視 我整晚沒睡 為了趕5:17的早車 [早車] 第一次5:17分的早車 車裡面 大陸腔的老北北大聲說笑 一旁的小姐跟我一樣半睡半醒 對面...

2005-06-13 00:16:18

How Well

How long does it take for you to know someone? A second? A minute? A day? A week? A month? A year? A lifetime? We've known each other for this long... How well do you know me? How ...

2005-06-08 13:16:18

Dream? Nightmare?

Had a werid dream last night. Can a married couple be so... polite and quiet? Or would you describe them as cold? I got married in my dream. I can't remember his face nor his voice. All I rem...

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