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The OPS stretch film has high strength

The above is the content of the PE stretch film manufacturer to combat simple introduction, I hope to help everyone.Convenient processing, easy coloring, good printing performance, high printing resolution, is completely a material for the trademark of exquisite printing.

It is a replacement product of conventional PVC heat shrinkable film.OPS stretch film OPS is a new type of bonded packaging material that meets environmentally friendly requirements, the OPS stretch film has high strength, high rigid, stable shape, and has good gloss and transparency. Therefore, the printability is good, suitable for shallow network printing, and the harmful shrinkage is high and the thermal stability is good. Hand stretched film: the package by hand, a single volume weight 3-5 kg, facilitating manual operation.

Meaning the stretched film is: a packaging material on the packaging means, the use of the packaging. But also increase the attractiveness of the appearance of the product can also be used in place of various types of cartons, packaging not only save costs, but also in line with the trend of packaging.

It is especially important that the stretch wrap film packaging makes the packaging items uniformly, avoiding damage to the article, which is the traditional packaging method (bundling, packaging, tape and other packaging). Use of stretch wrap films and generic performance, do you know? Plastic colorful packaging tape At the same time, the labor intensity of workers can be reduced, improve packaging efficiency, and packaging grade.

With the super-winding force and retraction of the film, the product is compactly, fixedly bundled into a unit, making the zero-scattered small part into a whole, even if the product in an unfavorable environment does not loose and separation, there is no sharp Edge and viscosity to avoid damage.

台長: clearbopp
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此分類上一篇:The winding film is much more blown film

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