In the QQ Ocean, two young pirates compete against each other to find the mysterious location for the treasure box. Due to their insufficient skills of navigating, they will confront with various obstacles that they are unable to deal. Therefore, they must avoid direct confrontation in order to reduce the damage to their boats by giving away something or changing their navigation. The QQ Ocean is full with many dangerous sea animals, for examples the evil starfish and octopuses. However, as long as they are fed fully, they will not attack human. Other then sea animals, the QQ Ocean is also full with naval officers who want to catch pirates and send them to the jail. Fortunately, many of them are greedy. Young pirates can bribe these officers with some Golds to avoid imprison. Additionally, there are also some older pirates who like to tease young pirates in the QQ Ocean, so young pirates need to avoid them or bribe them to avoid confrontation as well. Nevertheless, within the QQ Ocean, there are many strange swirls that trap pirate boats for hours. People call it, the Ghost Realm because there seems to have ghosts waving at them when they enter the realm. After all, the pirate who finds the treasure box will be rewarded not only the treasure, but also the skills they learn in the adventure.
Typo 很多,敬請見諒。
而,所謂的QQ Ocean;