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2004-03-28 22:01:00| 人氣10| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

facts vs fiction

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After watching Big Fish, i just keep wondering the importance of facts...is it just so necessary to know all the facts? i think white lies are acceptable as we tell lies to protect ourselves and those we love...just for the sake of keeping the peace of the world...besides, we are living in such a world that are full of lies...even though what we see in the daily lives could not be real...take the example of US, we saw Iraqi people pulling the statue of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad from the broadcast last year...at that moment, we all felt that it was correct for Americans to invade Iraq for the sake of saving Iraqi from dictationship...people seemed so happy and excited to escape from the clutches of Saddam...but then we just knew that it was a trick of US ...those people of Iraq pulling statue were 'imported' from US...others Iraqi were just staying at home....this was really a lie, wasnt it? Thats what those politicans trying to make use of 'real facts' to tell lies...another biggest lie probably is the Taiwanese president? i am not sure if he's really innocent...but the lines are just like a drama....at this moment we dont have evidence of whether he is the mastermind of the shooting accident or not... if he did, he was also trying to make use of 'real fact' to cheat everyone in this world....

台長: 紫紗
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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