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2004-03-26 00:01:26| 人氣58| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Big fish

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Today just watched movies with alice and vanessa. Honestly its really a wonderful movie day! i feel i am addicted to the plot of movie....especially those parts that were impossible and unpredictable¬¬¬ One funny point probably is that one of the actors (son of Edward Bloom) looks alike Peter so much!!!!i suppose there is 80-90% alike of outlook¬¬¬¬there are two moments that his facial expression exactly like Peter indeed¬¬¬ especially the last moment when Edward was reaching the end of his life.....you know, that was supposed to be a part of earning the tears of audience...and i was no exception, say i was crying with vanessa...but then peter's face emerged....wow....i really couldnt control myself laughing with alice!!!! thats really a strange moment for me, as i cried and laughed loudly at the same time!!! only alice and i burst into laughter at that moment when the man was dying!!!!! i just didnt know how to manage my emotions at that moment.....so weird and funny¬¬¬¬¬¬

vanessa and i even bought the book of big fish¬¬¬i love it so much
we hope that will be a reading group of this....really full of philsophy

here are some lines for the family drama:
- friction and facts both have equal value and should be there
- you can't separate the facts from friction, the man from the myth
- movies move in and out of reality
- most people tell you stories straight true, it wont be complicated, but it wont be interesting either.
- colourful stories
- you are not too big, but just the town too small
- more determination that anyone you've ever met

A man tells stories so many times that he becomes the stories. They live on after him, and in that way, he becomes immortal.

台長: 紫紗
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全站分類: 電影賞析(電影情報、觀後感、影評)

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