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2005-08-28 16:34:04| 人氣60| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

有緣 . 有份

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He paddled me across the icing river and brought me spring bird songs.
He poured golden sand and blew them in wind:
descend, descend, descend; suspend, suspend, suspend.
They glitter like stars and smooth like drifting sand.
He played the flute and covered my eyes,
"Let’s feel the scent of this tranquil night.
The southern cross is the amulet chime.
Block your ears from the siren’s call.
Peacefully sleep in this little canon.
Await, awake, soon in the great beyond..."

I closed my eyes and slept alone.
He bent down and placed me in mattress of leaves.
Warm breeze fondled and narcissuses sniffed.
Soon I dived myself to midsummer night’s dream.

Opened my eyes but there he disappeared.
Fetced a deep sigh and searched in every transparent streams.
Heart-shaped foliums were what successively flowing around me.
The face of his too easy memorised , but the last look of his eludes me.

Was that the trim pink smile that his used to give?
Or a grey freak smile in a life’s bittersweet?
Tiene los ojos saben decir.
Tiene la boca, no hablo muchos.
Pero, me comprendo,
cada palabras esto dice en silento.
Detenerme llorar.
De verdad, me comprendo...

Muchismas gracias, angel de la guardia.

台長: Car
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