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2008-03-26 10:29:19| 人氣33| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Farewell, sweet dream

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This is the way you want to be remembered...
Beautiful eyes shinning with confidence
A convincing title and highly regarded acquaintances
A woman of your stance that remarks your superiority
And an art that fully reveals your talents and prosperity
But I care not how you succeeded or prided
That’s the you I want to remember:
Those glittering eyes, those pink smiles,
Those love brimmed over its banks,
Those furious eyes, those mislaid green heart,
Those gossips that set us apart.
I smell your arrogance, smell your belittling,
Hear your self- boosting, hear your sour complaints.
So to you, I confide my secret:
You are never compared but to be compared
with each loving hearts bestowed.
You are the central image of my landscape and
I have lived on your love arts.
But you have gone too far, too far, too far that
You despair my heart.
You torn this beautiful memory.
You erase it abruptly.
You give my world a twist.
All besotted values collapsed
Without your approval, I am simply a psycho
That lived in my fantasy
So sweet dear, I start to erase you bit by bit.
Today, your fine eyes ; Tomorrow, your love deeds.
Til a long long time thereafter, when your name
apropos nothing , never a heart-striken me.
Farewell, my dear, sweet dream.

台長: Car
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