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2008-04-08 18:43:13| 人氣135| 回應0 | 上一篇

Counting Down the Days

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Counting Down the Days Natalie Imbruglia

You were right
And I don’t wanna be here
If your gonna be there
Was that supposed to happen

I’ll hold tight
I’ll remember to smile
Though it has been a while
And without you does it matter

There’s no room
No place to start
When our souls are apart

I wanna travel through time
See your surprise
Hold you so tight
I’m counting down the days tonight
I just wanna be a million miles away from here
I’m counting down the days

How’ve you been
It’s just the usual here
And days are feeling like years
And every days without you

Now I cry
Just a little too much
When I think of your touch
And everything about you

I feel cold
I’m in the dark
When our souls are apart

I wanna travel through time
See your surprise
Hold you so tight
I’m counting down the days tonight
I just wanna be a million miles away from here

I wanna travel through time
See your surprise
Hold you so tight
I’m counting down the days tonight
I just wanna be a million miles away from here
I’m counting down the days

I’m counting down the days
I’m counting down the days

I’m gonna be your surprise
I’m gonna hold you so tight


I wanna travel through time
See your surprise
I’d hold you so tight
I’m counting down the days tonight
I just wanna be a million miles away from here

I wanna travel through time
See your surprise
I’d hold you so tight
I’m counting down the days tonight
I just wanna be a million miles away from here
A million miles away from here

台長: Ritata
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