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2003-03-07 07:53:44| 人氣81| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Equity versus Fixed Income

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我的公司﹐在紐約的分公司裡分成了兩個部門﹕Equity (權益證券) 跟 Fixed Income (固定收益證券)。由于分公司只有15個人 (包括我跟兩個秘書)﹐所以我們只有一台Server。


以下是最近在我公司常出現的對話﹕(注﹕Atlas是Equity部門所有的軟體。Axiom是Fixed Income部門用的軟體。兩個都是我公司的產品。)

同事甲﹕"Karin, why is the server running so slow?"

我﹕"Oh, Axiom updates process error out last night. So I had to manually restart their updates."

同事甲﹕"Well, stop their process. The Fixed Income group isn't even in the office yet."

我﹕"Oh, okay..."


同事乙﹕"Karin, why is my database not updated?"

我﹕"Uhm... the process error out last night. So I had to manually kick it off this morning."

同事乙﹕"Ok, but why isn't it running now? Did it error out again?"

我﹕"No... The process was taking up all the server's resources and the Atlas guys couldn't run their reports. So they had me stop the process."

同事乙﹕"Well, I need the database updated so I can run my reports. Can you re-start the process again?



同事甲﹕"Karin, what's running on the server again? It's so slow!"

我﹕"Sorry, I had to re-start Axiom's update."

同事甲﹕"Can you stop it again. I need to get this report out to my client."

我﹕"Oh... but, the Axiom needs their database updated first..."

同事甲﹕"Stop it for now. I'll let you know when I'm done and you can re-start their updates again."



同事乙﹕"Karin, why did the updates stop again?"

我﹕"One of the Atlas guys needed to run a report for his client, so he had me stop the update process for now."

同事乙﹕"Well, can you restart it now. I need the system to be updated."



同事甲﹕"Karin... my report..."

同事乙﹕"Karin... my database..."

唉。。。IT 難為啊。。。

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