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2005-04-24 22:14:04| 人氣17| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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This is god damn traumatic
The experience is too dramatic
I am not sure if I turn into a shopaholic
But I know I am one of the hysterics

The whole breaking up made things more complicated
All the sudden I am lost between the boundaries
Somehow I care nothing at all
Somehow the twelth me is paranoid still

I don't blame him for ending the story
Though it's totally heart breaking
I should have remembered his birthday on the 23rd
But my memory got lost at the time of my frozen breath

Please, I need to learn a new way of living
Walking alone isn't that scary
Enjoying being more genuine
At least we don't need another hyporcrite

台長: Feathery
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