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2008-06-02 17:39:29

My Prince BB

I adapt it from Augest in 2007, now it become fatterIt is a male,named BB and weight abot 8 poundsIs it cute?Recently, I received a Big Big doll!!!!!!!!

2008-04-08 16:45:35

The Wedding Day

I join the wedding day of my cousin last month,and I became one members of the "sisters" at the frist time. I felt so funny and it was a huge wedding!!!!!!!!! P.S:thanks for brought me a Harrods PV...

2008-02-03 00:45:11


我今天和Crystal看了這套戲,十分好看!!!!!! 故事是講述由尊尼狄普飾演的Sweeney Todd,遭人陷害被關進獄中,飽受摧殘,其妻子及女兒更遭不幸。他出獄後誓報冤仇,成為詭異神秘的理髮師,假理髮之名,冷血剃殺仇人...

2008-02-01 18:06:56

19th bithday

1月31日是我19th birthday, 在我19年的人生里有許多沒有實現的wishes, 希望會在這一年里實現 希望人升大學 希望減肥成功 希望家人和朋友幸福妤可愛的蛋糕!!!!!!!

2007-07-31 20:11:02


現在的美是代表什麼呢?現在美的尺度是多少呢? 現在的男仕們覺得女仔應該是要少過100磅, 高度要高過5呎5,大眼,面尖, 手同腳要好似未發過育,但係最重要一樣野係胸部一定要比人有嘖血o既感覺. This is 膚淺的美,美...

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