找好久終於讓我找到超想買的周年慶刷卡購買最省錢>NUK 自然母感 高級玻璃奶瓶套裝
NUK Nature Sense Premium Glass Bottles Set
This high-quality set contains everything new parents need for a perfect start with their baby. The NUK Nature Sense glass bottles feature a high quality, are durable, particula
評價rly hygienic and easy to use. Thanks to this set, new parents always have another clean bottle ready at hand whenever you lack the time to clean the bottle in stressful everyday life with a baby.
The set also contains the special NUK Nature Sense teats. With them, your baby can enjoy a completely familiar feeling when drinking from them as well as a natural drinking flow since the teats which feature many tiny openings, are modelled on the milk ducts of a mother's breast. The extra-soft soft zone and the wide lip rest allow your baby to latch on naturally. The innovative Anti-Colic valve provides your baby with a breast-like drinking sensation without stopping. Furthermore, it prevents your little one from swallowing air.
Thanks to the natural feeling when drinking from the bottle, the combination of breastfeeding and bottle feeding or the transition from being breastfed to being bottle-fed is incredibly easy. Thus, even daddy can get up at night, take over feeding the baby and give mom some precious sleep for a few more hours.
The three NUK Nature Sense baby bottles are made of high-quality borosilicate glass, BPA-free and very durable. Thanks to the extra-wide bottle neck, filling and cleaning the bottles is very simple. The protective cap prevents the fine openings from getting dirty - that way, the bottle is also a reliable companion when being on the go.
The set also comes with the popular NUK Genius silicone soother and a matching soother cover. The orthodontic shape is modelled on a mother's breast when breastfeeding and reduces the risk of malformation of teeth and jaw. Thanks to the soother cover, baby's favourite soother is prevented from getting dirty and always ready for use.
This set is completed by the NUK bottle brush Twist and the NUK drying rack Multi Dry which stand out as two indispensable accessories in everyday life with a baby. With the NUK bottle brush Twist, you can easily clean the bottles in no time at all since it features a flexible brush head which is perfect for reaching and removing residues and an additional teat brush in the handle for cleaning the teats. After rinsing or disinfecting the bottles and accessories, the NUK drying rack Multi Dry provides the perfect place to dry up to six baby bottles and many accessories such as teats, soothers or spoons.
Tried and tested NUK quality - Made in Germany!
- Made in Germany
- Set contains:
- 3 x NUK Nature Sense glass baby bottles, BPA-free:
- 1 x 120ml with teat size S for tea and breast milk (0-6 months)
- 2 x 240ml with teat size M for milk (0-6 months)
- 2 additional NUK Nature Sense teats (1 teat in size S for tea and breastmilk, 1 teat in size M for formula, 0-6 months)
- Silicone teats with tried and tested NUK Anti-Colic Air System
- Wide, flexible lip rest with extra-soft soft zone similar to a mother's breast
- Natural drinking flow
- 1 NUK Genius silicone soother "My First NUK", 0-6 months with transparent NUK soother cover
- NUK Bottle Brush Twist
- NUK Drying Rack Multi Dry
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3D斑馬線長這樣 駕駛一看全停車!
: 為了保障行人安全,許多國家都試著推動「3D立體行穿線」,也就是彩繪斑馬線,利用視覺效果吸引駕駛人注意減速慢行!像是西非國家奈及利亞最近出現了一種3D斑馬線,就是想透過這個方式讓駕駛降慢車速,減少交通事故,並且保障行人安全。
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