Siena Hospitality Issue
一、 2011年10月7日,Booking.com依慣例由系統自動發信,請我就2011年10月1日在義大利Siena Hospitality住宿期間的感想給予評鑑等第(review & rating),於是我將當時在彼住宿時遭遇的3個不可思議的難堪與亂象回覆給,並註明這一間旅館「永不推薦」。這3個不可思議的難堪與亂象是:
1. 住宿地點並非Siena Hospitality在Booking.com網站上公布的地址,而是在大約8百多公尺以外的另一棟旅館,雖然同在Siena市區,但是在曲曲折折、高高低低的Siena市區裡徒步找到另一間旅館,至少需要15分鐘左右步程。櫃台小姐說曾經有寄E-mail告訴我住宿地址改變,但我也當面告訴她,我從來沒有收到這個E-mail。
2. 旅館裡雖然有無線網路設備,但卻是怎麼樣都無法連線上網,其他住宿房客也遭遇同樣狀況,可見不是我的筆記型電腦有問題。
3. 這是一間B&B(Bed & Breakfast)旅館,次日提供早餐,要到對街路口與旅館簽有合約的餐廳用餐。然而,次日星期天,餐廳卻大門深鎖,雖然門口寫著星期天與假日從8點就開始營業,但我從7點50分苦等到9點,燈光黑漆漆、杳無動靜的餐廳絲毫沒有開門跡象,為了趕搭9點50分的火車繼續前往羅馬,我只好放棄等待早餐,匆匆忙忙搭公車去火車站,悻悻然離開Siena。付錢住B&B,只有Bed卻沒有Breakfast,這是什麼道理?
二、 2011年10月7日下午,Booking.com見到我的review之後,相當重視,立刻回應:
Thank you for contacting
We apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused.
At we take all of our customers concerns seriously. Please allow us 7 days to fully investigate your complaint. We have contacted Siena Hospitality directly, and hope to find a satisfactory conclusion as soon as possible.
We will keep you informed of any new developments.
Once again thank you for contacting We will do our best to help resolve this issue as quickly as possible.
Kind regards,
Claire Smith, Customer Service Team,
依據我的抱怨事項,Booking.com已聯繫Siena Hospitality,希望在7天之內完成調查
三、 2011年10月15日,也就是7天之後,Booking.com首次調查與回覆如下:
Thank you for your continued patience while we work to resolve your concerns.
We are in contact with the Siena Hospitality and are actively working towards a suitable solution. We aim to achieve this in the next few days.
Once again, thank you for your patience and understanding.
Your issue is a high priority for and we will keep you updated of any developments.
Kind regards,
Daniel Shetabi, Customer Service Team,
這一次換了一位客服人員回覆,他們還在跟Siena Hospitality聯繫、拔河,要過幾天才能有結果。
四、 11天之後,2011年10月26日,Booking.com第3次回覆:
Thank you for choosing
We have received an update on your booking complaint. Enclosed is the hotels response.
Sorry for the late answer, but due to some health problems I couldn't answer before.
As described on our rooms are shared out between different buildings, all in the heart of the city center. The room of Mr. ○○ was in front of the Basilica of San Domenico, only 600 meters from the main square Piazza Il campo, so 7 minutes walking from our Reception. When they arrived I gave them the map and all the directions. Also the responsible Dino was waiting for him at the building. We are sorry that Mr. ○○ got lost, but in small distances we do not accompany the guest unless there are big luggage.
We are very sorry that Mr. ○○ didn't have breakfast. In this building we offer breakfast as a free buffet in a bar, but in the morning of Sunday the bar opens only at 8:00 am. We haven't been informed if Mr. ○○ had the necessity to make breakfast before that time.
Anyway, for our guests that do not want to go to the bar, in the building there is a large kitchen where our guests have all the necessary for making breakfast. We are sorry that Mr. ○○ couldn't have breakfast, but we think we have done all the necessary to make our guests feel comfortable and satisfied.
Best regards
Siena Hospitality
Thank you again for choosing
Kind regards,
Debra Osmolinski, Customer Service Team,
這一次又換了客服人員,她把Siena Hospitality的回應轉寄給我。Siena Hospitality先推卸責任說生病,然後開始狡辯說另一個住宿旅館距離廣場只有600公尺遠,走路7分鐘就到,偏偏不說距離原本地址8百多公尺,還說是我自己迷了路!再者,她說餐廳星期天早上8點開門,還說沒有接到通知我要早一點吃早餐。第三,她說如果客人不想去餐廳吃,旅館廚房櫃子裡也有食物可以自己動手做。看她這樣子狡辯,我真的火大了!我在10月28日中午、德國不萊梅的Starbucks一邊喝咖啡,一邊回信,正本寄給Siena Hospitality,副本寄給Booking.com昭告,大致內容如下:
1. 住宿地點不是網站所示地址,我相信這個E-mail其他住客應該也都未曾收到過,否則為何Booking.com網站這麼多其他國家人士的review都在抱怨「事先沒有告知要另外走路8百多公尺、走20分鐘到另一個旅館住宿」?為何不修正網站資訊,卻還說我迷了路?我並非第一天在歐洲旅遊,don’t guess me wrong!
2. 無線網路根本無法連線,其他住客也在抱怨,我在歐洲各地旅行這麼多天,筆記型電腦無線網路運作正常,就只有在Siena不行,Siena Hospitality卻閃避這個問題不肯解決。
3. 我從星期天早上7點50分枯等到9點,餐廳就是不開門,最後,不得不離開餐廳,前往火車站搭車離開Siena。如果Siena Hospitality不清楚餐廳確實營業時間的話,請於星期天早上8點整站在餐廳門口等待開門營業,順便問個詳細。
4. 旅館廚房櫃子裡的食物,並未註明是屬於誰的,況且,食物是否過期,皆不知悉,一般住客事先未經旅館方面告知,怎敢輕易食用?
5. 我在歐洲旅遊、住宿已超過60天,最糟糕的經驗就是在Siena Hospitality,付錢住B&B,只有Bed沒有Breakfast,Siena Hospitality卻認為這是我個人的問題。
五、 Booking.com收到我回信陳述事實之後,2011年10月28日當天下午立即回覆:
Thank you for choosing
We have contacted the Siena Hospitality concerning the breakfast you did not receive. We informed them that you did wait for the restaurant to open but finally had to leave.
We have asked the hotel to refund you the amount of your reservation that was for the breakfast. We will let you know once we have a response from the hotel. Thank you for your continued patience.
Thank you again for choosing We hope to be your choice for future online reservations.
Kind regards,
Celeste Clark, Customer Service Team,
等不到餐廳開門只好黯然走人,Booking.com已告知Siena Hospitality上述實情,並要求Siena Hospitality退還早餐費用。
六、 2011年11月5日,我在荷蘭阿姆斯特丹史基浦機場準備榙機返回台灣那一天早上,Booking.com再次回覆:
Thank you for your continued patience while we work to resolve your concerns.
We are in contact with the Siena Hospitality and are actively working towards a suitable solution. We aim to achieve this in the next few days.
Once again, thank you for your patience and understanding. Your issue is a high priority for and we will keep you updated of any developments.
Kind regards,
Shannon Hardy, Customer Service Team,
七、 2011年11月8日,我已經回到家裡了,Bookong.com來信告知:
Thank you for choosing
First of all I would like to apologize again for any inconvenience that this issue may have caused you.
At this time we would like to offer you a refund of 25% of the total cost of your reservation, as gesture of good will. We kindly ask you to provide us with your bank details, and we will deposit the money directly into your bank account.
Thank you again for choosing If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards,
Mary Davis, Customer Service Team,
八、 2011年11月12日,Booking.com回覆如下:
With reference to the reservation 493380239 at the property Siena Hospitality, I would like to thank you for submitting your bank details.
The paperwork pertaining to the refund of 20.00 EUR = 27.22 USD has now been securely passed to our Finance Team for processing. These funds should therefore be available in your account within the next 3 weeks.
Again, I would like to thank you for your understanding in this matter and apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced while using our services. I hope we may welcome you back to in the not too distant future.
Should you have any further questions in regards to this issue, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards,
Didier Gakwandi, Customer Relations Associate,
Fax : +31(0) 207 153 090 (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
當天辦妥解匯回家之後,忽然很想知道Siena Hospitality對於這一次的爭議有些什麼後續動作,就上去Siena Hospitality網頁看一看,結果,哈哈,狡辯、擺爛的Siena Hospitality已經被Booking.com給停權了,終止合作關係,這真是太棒了!