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2006-09-13 23:34:57| 人氣16| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

[Day 1] Amsterdam - Cologne

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Dear’s first day of work at Amsterdam
5.30pm over there now.
27 degree C there..
hmmm nice weather~

if dear’s email schedule is correct
dear should be going to Cologne today

wish dear a pleasant working day


me ganna bossed around by a newly transfered staff
talk to me like boss talk to employee
i totally ignored him

Ingrid let me tried a new kind of bread
(well at least to me it’s something new)
[OA golden pillow]
mixture of cake and bread
very nice n unique
thought of buying one for you when you come back
but it’s hot selling stuffs and they have very little stock
will try to go lunch super early so that i can get one. =)

台長: 麟玲之戀
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