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2010-02-02 13:45:51
2010-04-06 13:44:12

2010年 超夯拖把功效大評比 

2010年 超夯拖把功效大評比 作者﹕小意思  家庭清潔用品種類越來越多,人們一到賣場總覺得眼花撩亂,挑選時總是無所適從。打掃衛生不可缺少的重要武器 ( 拖把 Mop ),面對著市場上各式各樣的拖把,到底該選擇哪個...

2010-03-19 17:22:44

Spin Mop ( Body Action )

The Spin & Go is a revolutionary 360° rotating mop with a powerful spin cycle system! Simply step on it a few times, it generates up to 2600 times per minute, and it automatically spin-dry the mo...

2010-03-19 17:21:51

Spin Mop 360 ( Body Action )

The Spin & Go is a revolutionary 360° rotating mop with a powerful spin cycle system! Simply step on it a few times, it generates up to 2600 times per minute, and it automatically spin-dry the mo...

2010-03-19 17:18:08

Spin 360 Mop ( Body Action )

The Spin & Go is a revolutionary 360° rotating mop with a powerful spin cycle system! Simply step on it a few times, it generates up to 2600 times per minute, and it automatically spin-dry the mo...

2010-03-19 17:14:38

360 Mop ( Body Action )

The Spin & Go is a revolutionary 360° rotating mop with a powerful spin cycle system! Simply step on it a few times, it generates up to 2600 times per minute, and it automatically spin-dry the mo...

2010-03-19 17:10:36

Spin n Go ( Body Action )

The Spin & Go is a revolutionary 360° rotating mop with a powerful spin cycle system! Simply step on it a few times, it generates up to 2600 times per minute, and it automatically spin-dry the mo...

2010-03-19 17:06:53

Spin and Go ( Body Action )

The Spin & Go is a revolutionary 360° rotating mop with a powerful spin cycle system! Simply step on it a few times, it generates up to 2600 times per minute, and it automatically spin-dry the mo...

2010-03-19 17:03:14

Spin & Go ( Body Action )

The Spin & Go is a revolutionary 360° rotating mop with a powerful spin cycle system! Simply step on it a few times, it generates up to 2600 times per minute, and it automatically spin-dry the mo...

2010-03-19 17:01:31

Spin n Go 360 Mop ( Body Action )

The Spin & Go is a revolutionary 360° rotating mop with a powerful spin cycle system! Simply step on it a few times, it generates up to 2600 times per minute, and it automatically spin-dry the mo...

2010-03-19 16:54:02

Spin and Go 360 Mop ( Body Action )

The Spin & Go is a revolutionary 360° rotating mop with a powerful spin cycle system! Simply step on it a few times, it generates up to 2600 times per minute, and it automatically spin-dry the mo...

2010-03-03 16:31:25

窈窕健身帶 Slender Shaper ( Body Action )

窈窕健身帶 Slender Shaper ( Body Action )功能及特性 : 震盪按摩系統,針對想改善的部位做拍打,旋轉振動運動。 緊實鬆馳部位,甩掉贅肉,想雕塑那裡,就繫在那裡。 平坦腰部、腹部,消除啤酒肚。 按摩背部,恢復疲...

2010-03-01 18:02:32

神奇不滑落衣架 Magic Non-Slip Hanger ( Body Action )

神奇不滑落衣架 Magic Non-Slip Hanger ( Body Action )立即訂購 http://tw.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/auction/f14625303?u=bodyaction99產品說明不管是細肩帶的小可愛、還是毛料衣物,衣架上的高纖絨毛止滑材質, 能讓...

2010-02-08 16:58:34

蒸汽清潔消毒機 ( Body Action )

蒸汽清潔消毒機 ( Body Action )功能及特性:第二代Steam Tiger蒸汽清潔機,可加入稀釋消毒液,噴出的蒸汽高溫達90℃,完全符合世界衛生組織(WHO)的實驗報告:「SARS在攝氏37度的高溫下,病毒會死亡;攝氏56度以上,...

2010-02-08 16:56:25

老虎蒸汽清潔機 STEAM TIGER ( Body Action )

老虎蒸汽清潔機 STEAM TIGER ( Body Action )功能及特性:STEAM TIGER老虎蒸汽清潔機可清潔任何任何物件清除灰塵、油脂、頑垢消菌、除璊不需用力擦拭無毒(無化學物質)組立尺寸: 33cm ×23cm ×25cm (長 x 寬 x 高)...

2010-02-08 16:51:51

擰乾桶 與 拖把 Spin & Go 360 Mop ( Body Action )

擰乾桶 與 拖把 Spin& Go 360 Mop ( Body Action )功能及特性: 除了創新的脫水裝置, Spin & Go 的拖把頭採用奈米超細纖維材質,不只吸水力強,更能有効抓住塵屑、毛髮,大面積又可以 360 °旋轉的拖把,清...

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