接續PART II....
她同他提議: I have a suggestion. 他聽著: um. 她問他: you know what’s hook-up, right? 他說: guess so. 她詢問著: can we be that kind of friend? At least, we know about each other. and we havd great time before. and also enjoy everything with each other. 他為了確定她是真的想要這種朋友關係,所以他用著想確認的語氣問她: hook-up means? i am not sure if i get it right! 畢竟他可能沒想過她會想跟她維持這種朋友關係!而他的疑問也早在她的預料之中,所以她直接了當的回答: Friends with benefits. no pressure, no burden. 他接著問: just enjoy each other? 她再度解釋了: of course, we have good impression of each other. so you are totally free. we don’t need to contact so often. but the point is: we are firends. And one thing very important: I can promise I’m VERY clear. So I only have one master. how do you think? 這就是她的遊戲規則!她才不想像他一樣,有著複雜的關係!也不想把關係搞複雜!
他還是有些不相信: so u will only be mine? 她斬釘截鐵的回答: right! 他持續的提出疑問: my slave? who’s always ready to please her master? 她再度跟他宣揚關係的公平性: not only slave. we are parter! 他同意道: um.. all enjoyments for friends. OK, partners. 她察覺到他的遲疑,所以她問他: dont you like that? 他還是不相信她可以做到這點: but... its hard for girls to seperate sex and soulrelation! 為了表示她真的仔仔細細考慮過這個問題,她又解釋了: dear, I know you’ll ask this question. of course, I do have great impression on you so that I can maintain the relation with you. But if you put too much emotion on it, the relationship will become too complecated. Than no one happy.
他還是不解但又想搞懂她到底想幹麻: why choose a man live so far away? 事實上,她並不想亂來,也不想隨便認識別人,更不想再浪費時間在陌生人的身上,然後所有的事情再經歷一次!她回答: so far i cant find a better one like you. 並反問他: dear, u join match.com so long. It’s hard to find someone so match in every way.這倒是她的真心話! 他有些不相信的問: better one like me? means in sex and everything? 這些話對天蠍座大男人主義的他而言,可是會讓他興奮的把蠍尾舉的又高又翹!
她繼續解釋著: sex is the last step. In the first step, talk and communicate is the key. Maybe you dont believe, although many guys wrote to me, but actually the are sooooo boring. Of course, they dont have chance on sex! 他有些吃味的試探問著: have u meet anyone of them? 這就是他天蠍座的個性!允許自己可以有很多樂趣,卻希望自己的女人只屬於他一個!她回答: some! 他又再問到:um...isee. so u havent have sex with anyone else after me? 她裝可憐的回答說: i’m poor! 他還是客套的回答: u r just picky la! 對於這種事, 誰不挑剔呢?可能除了他之外吧!
其實她真的是一個很容易懂的人!所以她問: after talking and to be with me, i think you know me! 他回答: um, i think so! 說她笨,她其實很聰明,只是心思很單純!但有時又過分老實的天真,會讓人誤以為她心裡另有詭計!所以她後來察覺:他常常會藉故試探她!有時她會搞不清楚他玩的把戲,笨笨的掉入陷阱,而看似輸掉幾局遊戲的她,又未嘗不是一種偽裝與保護!
他問她: but as a parter, i am too far from u la. how shall we go on? 其實這也是她現在一直在想的問題!要如何繼續與維持呢? 對她而言,現在這個問題無解!對於他們的關係,她不想刻意!只是順其自然!就看命運可以讓他們維持多久的時間吧!她不想讓他考驗她的決心和毅力,所以便反問他: you wont? at least, you’ll come back twice a year. I can fly to Guam for vacation. maybe we can find the third place. 這已經是她小小腦袋瓜可以想的出的僅有答案了!所以最後她再問他一次: tell me, you wont or.....
其實他怎麼會不願意?有個不錯的女生願意跟他維持這種關係!而且雙方相處的感覺都很好!她又聽話,把他當master般的順從!他就喜歡當主子的感覺!所以他回答: i am ur master. 再度跟她宣示他的主權與領導地位!她問: so you answer is....他回答: i like ur suggestion! 她要他想清楚的說: so whats the conclusion... 他真的很賊: write them down in a mail!她傻傻的問: really? why? as a contract? 他說: tell me all the things my sexy partner and slave will do for me....! not a contract..... ! to make this more interesting! just a statement....
他真是狡詐!心裡不知在想什麼!所以她又傻傻的問: say it clear! 他從來都是這樣, just obey, no more question! 所以他問她: will u do that for me? 她問: you think I will regret? 他說: nope, just like to hear from u, in formal statement! 她心裡笑著說: u r a biz man! 他回答: nope, I just like to enjoy how my horny girl will please me! 因為他是她的master, 所以她還是會乖乖的聽話: I will, and will you give me the same thing? I please you, and you give me happy time! 他說: yes....DEAL! 交易完成!遊戲規則也說清楚!
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