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2008-02-25 02:06:53| 人氣24| 回應0 | 下一篇


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I made a great effort to open my Blog~!Thanks G~!
I don’t tell anyone this address!Becouse I just want to leave myself alone~ Here is a peaceful space!

Actually, I prejudiced the people who like to writting their secret in the Blog! I though it just proved their emptiness.Nevertheless, today,After I was shocked by someone’s blog.I changed my mind! I decided to open it!!

Not for emptiness but for my words~! For what I am really eager to say in English!
Frankly speaking,I lost,but I went down swinging. He didn’t know what had happen, before, now or later. I just Gived my present and say happy birthday to him! Self-mockery!!

Krystal! Birthdat Gift for him!!That is what I have treasured for seven years! And I wish him forever!

Aquarius love Leo! What can I do?! Libra:listen! Just be yourself!

Remember your smile in that day!

台長: Krystal
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