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2004-12-13 01:39:59

The Scientist: Coldplay

Come up to meet ya, tell you I'm sorry You don't know how lovely you are I had to find you, tell you I need ya And tell you I set you apart Tell me your secrets, and nurse me your questions Oh le...

2004-07-25 03:39:59


今天是畢業典禮,很多同學都邀請了親友前來。綵排完結後,親友嘉賓魚貫進場。同學們無不望向入口處,留意嘉賓進場了沒有。我也隨著他們向後望,那是本能。當時,我突然感到失落。 我究竟在期待些甚麼?

2004-06-15 00:39:59

Sentimental Kills

Every when I fell asleep I wish I won't pretend to sleep Oh no, may be I am a freak Everytime when I send a tear How I wish I won't take responsibility~ to make you sorry. But the lazy day lie o...

2004-04-06 02:39:58


賽程: 20040331: 1700 - 1900_足球_聯合道 2100 - 2200_足球_華富 20040403: 1900 - 2300_籃球_薄扶林道 20040404: 1030 - 1230_足球_黃竹坑 1330 - 1500_足球_樂富摩士公園 20040405: 1000 - 1400...

2004-03-26 03:39:58

我到底是甚麼? 到底甚麼是我? 怎樣算愛? 愛算怎樣? 究竟想怎樣? 怎樣想究竟? 我討厭自己。 自己討厭我。

2004-02-25 05:39:58



2004-01-20 03:39:58


我坐在電車上,臉頰迎著冷冽的北風,捧著冒熱氣的燒賣,看著入夜後的跑馬地風景。 幸福,在一瞬間,變得實在。 20040119_2304

2003-12-22 03:39:58

Gloomy Sunday

Sunday is gloomy My hours are slumberless Dearest the shadows I live with are numberless Little white flowers Will never awaken you Not where the black coach Of sorrow has taken you An...

2003-12-21 05:39:58

Creep: Radiohead

When you were here before, couldn't look you in the eye You're just like an angel, your skin makes me cry You float like a feather, in a beautiful world I wish I was special, you're so f...

2003-12-04 11:39:58

Assignment about Battle Royale

“ What makes Battle Royale so unique is the way it depicts the inherent conflict as existed between the adults and the youth.” Discuss. Battle Royale, a Japanese blockbuster, directed by Kinj...

2003-12-02 15:39:58


鑑於小弟聽得少,係大路架喇,吹呀。 1) The Doors Psychedelic Rock 的佼佼者。由毒品與幻覺建構的歌曲旋律沉鬱厭世,歌詞往往包含政治及哲學意識。包辦歌詞的主音 Jim Morrison是一名曾就讀 UCLA的詩人/哲學...

2003-11-25 04:39:57

我站在牆上,沿著牆一直往前行。 我小心翼翼,既不踏出牆半步,也不要失去平衡。 我沿著牆走著,我不想被人左右,卻只能沿著牆走。 我一路上看見過山,也看見過海。 我想,這圍牆會通向那兒呢? 我看...

2003-11-17 05:39:57

Taxi Driver

On every street there's a nobody who dreams of being somebody. He's a lonely forgotten man desperate to prove that he's alive.

2003-10-30 04:39:57


Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circ...

2003-08-26 01:39:57

Bad Cover Version : Pulp

The word's on the street: you've found someone new. If he looks nothing like me I'm so happy for you. I heard an old girlfriend has turned to the church - she's trying to replace me, but it'll n...

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