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2010-08-28 00:21:05| 人氣223| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Have I Ever......

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Have I ever told you that I love you

Have I ever told you that I care

What will it be like

If you are not here by my side

I can’t even imagine that


You are the one who shows me the light

You are the one who brings joy into my life

I know that roses will always wilt someday

But I forget to cherish your smile

I know that spring will always come back

But I forget that your youth also slip away 

While time goes by


What will it be different 

Between yesterday, today and tomorrow

If I lose you

Now, I need you so much

So promise me that you won’t leave me alone

Please take me out of this mess

With your soul and mind

台長: 麗旭


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