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2009-01-02 10:13:42

quick update

我的PMR成出炉了是7A 1BB的是华文~其实我早就预料到了我的华文很烂的比英文和马来文差几倍~~~很多人拿8A咯为什么我7A……明年新的挑战我决定拿13科!主要科目:马来文高级英文数学历史道德科学系主要科目:chemistry...

2008-11-25 09:38:54
2008-11-14 20:23:40

moved to new home: TEMPORARY

this song is very nicecan i have this dancefrom high school musical 3: senior yeari also love this song very mucha night to rememberfrom high school musical 3: senior yearmoved to new home for TEMPORA...

2008-10-27 13:51:47



2008-10-26 10:32:33



2008-10-24 20:00:30

2008 PMR answer

我今天才得到PMR的答案然后非常高兴!我从我朋友那边得到PMR 5科的答案英文试卷一我40题只错1题!试卷2,基本上是能高分的啦~XD好爽!今天不能睡觉了!      0   1   2   31    d   a   d   b2    ...

2008-10-23 20:07:12


漫画1漫画2漫画3漫画4漫画5漫画6漫画7以上漫画是在e-mail inbox里发现到的好笑吧!现在你们认为那个漫画最好笑的 XD我认为是漫画3笑笑没烦恼百笑治百病!

2008-10-23 11:36:16


BORED!!!FRUSTRATED!!!already a week i didn't attend school since the PMR exam has finishedi'm just playing playing playing and playing around in the housei cannot go out and play becausethe weather is...

2008-10-21 19:40:52



2008-10-17 14:46:28


PMR考试今天终于结束了~没想到今年考的华语难度很高~很多人差点晕到~不是我想在这里大炮只是我觉得今年的马来文,英文,数学,地理还蛮ok~科学,就免提了~试卷二很难~其中一题是:how to use petroleum efficiently ...

2008-10-16 16:38:40

Plz see this~

that blog owner is going to diei mentioned it before, he tried to destroy alllll my friends reputation.he puts some porns and crazy comments~it's not fun.today PMR got chineseand this year's chinese i...

2008-10-14 17:13:55


i'm a little bit sad today because science paper 2 is very hard, harder than last time's percubaan.and somebody built a blog to attack me.he know that i only allow members to leave comments, so he bui...

2008-10-13 20:52:43


最近台长面对一些问题,所以回应和留言暂时关闭~抱歉~下星期更新recently the owner of the blog faced a few problems, so the comments cannot be leave till next weeksorry for the inconvenience~next week upd...

2008-10-09 20:32:31


yesterday i built another new blog, it is mostly about pokemon and anime!!!i will update my 2 blogs in a fortnight.got PMR~gambateh all~GaMeRzsome sample pictures captured by naive me    the world o...

2008-10-07 20:11:49


haha! finally i finished another geography reference book!due to the PMR, many students absent and they wanna study alone at their cozy home. perhaps, they just lying on the floor or on their bed and ...

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