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2008-03-23 20:49:23| 人氣131| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

郭采潔-I remember

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郭采潔-I remember

Do u know that I’m OK?
are there things you wanna say?
thinking of u night and day
hopping you’ll come back and stay
i remember when u told me i’ll be all right
don’t worry

i try and try to understand
is all this just a sad good bye
thinking of u night and day
no matter if you’ll come and stay
i remember when u told me i’ll be all right
just hold me

i don’t wanna close my eyes tonight
missing u make me cry
your love will give me strengths to carry on
you’ll always be my heart and mind
so i don’t wanna close my eyes tonight
i know it’s just a miss match in time
why oh why
miss match in time

i try and try to understand
is all this just a sad good bye
thinking of you night and day
no matter if you’ll come and stay
i remember when you told me i’ll be all right
just hold me

i don’t wanna close my eyes tonight
missing you make me cry
your love will give me strengths to carry on
you’ll always be my heart and mind
so i don’t wanna close my eyes tonight
i know it’s just a miss match in time
why oh why
miss match in time

so i don’t wanna close my eyes tonight
missing you make me cry
your love will give me strengths to carry on
you’ll always be my heart and mind
so i dont wanna close my eyes tonight
i know it’s just a miss match in time
why oh why
don’t wanna close my eyes tonight

台長: 捨て去りますA
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全站分類: 不分類 | 個人分類: 歌詞.. |

棒棒拉 ]]
2008-03-27 19:03:55
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