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2008 audi club festival-美國肉協記事

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Date: December 7, Sunday afternoon 1pm
Venue: Parking lot in front of Neo19
According to Mr. Yang of 皇家, only the Audi Club members are eligible to organize a booth in this Audi Club festival.
In this booth, Mr. Yang provided discount sales and U.S. boneless short ribs taste testing to members and other visitors.  
Banners/posters decoration and nutrition pamphlets were placed to highlight U.S. beef image. 
the hosts of this Audi Club festival is 喬治&賈欣蕙; as you can see, U.S. beef banner is easily to be sighted.


Non-member visitors also made inquiry to the U.S. beef products Mr. Yang was selling and labelled as high quality beef.

He is proud of his U.S. beef products which are popular among this group of high-income Audi club members.
Of course, he provides special rate to buyers as purchasing Angus of prime beef products. 
People gathered in front of the booth for NT$100 U.S. boneless short ribs and fresh U.S. beef products.
Free taste testing was also provided.

Mr. Yang was busy cooking tasty U.S. beef...

Audi TT new model launched
Another models on the red carpet
There were also dozens of hot show girls in this Audi Club festival, but unfortunately i didn't take photos.
(the end)

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