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2004-05-11 11:45:08| 人氣581| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Love Touch--By Rod Steward,這位搖滾公雞唱了許多膾炙人口的歌曲。這首充滿男性自信的歌是由勞勃瑞福主演的法網神鷹的主題曲,MTV裡穿插著電影畫面以及Rod Steward 站在法庭被告席上扭屁股的樣子,開車的時候聽這首歌心情會很好。

……but baby I'm still the best that you ever had, just give me the chance to let me show you how much I wanna give you my love touch!……

Proud Mary--By Creedence Clearwater Revival (簡稱CCR),我一直覺得這個團的音樂應該是接觸搖滾最佳入門,而且質樸有誠意,很能表達中下階層的聲音。

Left a good job in the city, working for the man every night and day. And I never lost one minute of sleeping, worrying 'bout the way things might have been……….you don’t have to worry though you have no money, people on the river are happy to give. Big wheel keep on turning, Proud Mary keep on burning. Rolling, rolling, rolling on the river.

Have You Ever Seen The Rain--By Creedence Clearwater Revival ,這首歌黃鶯鶯也曾翻唱過,原唱沙啞的男聲與她細柔的女聲,是截然不同的兩種味道。

Someone told me long ago, there's a calm before the storm, I know, It's been coming for some time. When it's over so they say, It'll rain on a sunny day I know Shining down like water. I wanna know Have you ever seen the rain? Coming down on a sunny day……

他們還有其他都非常耳熟能詳的歌,像是Cotton Field 以及Who Stop The Rain等。

Sooner or Later--By The Alan Parsons Project。這個團標榜著音樂實驗性重於Vocal,其實歌聲是很令人感到舒服的, 一點壓迫感都沒有。他們最有名的歌其實是Eye in The Sky,很讚的一首歌,但是,開車還是比較適合聽Sooner or Later,把過往通通拋開吧。

……All the lies we tell, in the games we play . And the longer I think it over, the harder it is to stay. Sooner or later I'll be free to leave the past behind. Sooner or later you're gonna be the last thing on my mind ……

Money for Nothing--By Dire Straits,這首歌最經典的是長達兩分十秒的前奏(這首歌全長八分十秒),主唱兼吉他手Mark Knopfler老成慵懶不經意的歌聲,透徹的告訴我們金錢無用(不過貧窮的我還是覺得金錢好好用)。

一開始由Sting的合音拉開序曲,半分鐘後,Mark Knopfler行雲流水的電吉他進來,接著重量感十足的鼓聲進來,節奏又快又重,持續漸強,而且會讓人忍不住再把音量開得更大。這兩分多鐘直接敲擊心臟的前奏貫通駕車人所有的血管。

整首歌最後也是以Sting 拔高的合音做結尾。

Walk of Life--By Dire Straits,是一首相當輕快的歌,讓人開車的心情也輕快起來。

Here comes Johnny singing oldies, goldies, Be-Bop-A-Lula, baby what I say. Here comes Johnny singing I gotta woman down in the tunnels, trying to make it pay. He got the action, he got the motion. Yeah, the boy can play. Dedication, devotion, turning all the night time into the day. He do the song about the sweet lovin' woman. He do the song about the knife. He do the walk, he do the walk of life……

台長: 鈴兒
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