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2007-09-11 00:01:49| 人氣18| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

When he sings

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(by Chet Lam)

He walks on the thin line
between light and darkness
Not decent, but beautiful
Where lights in the late nights
always brighter than the candles on the dining table

But something they will never know
the way i love him
and i guess he loved me so

* All his lovers say he’s selfish
but they don’t know what he’d been through
His heart is somewhere out there
though i never had a clue
Sometimes in a funny mood
and he’s always out of tune
But I know that when he sings he can
break my heart in two *

There’s a place in time
where the river runs so peaceful
where his mind meets my soul
We could simply forget
all the sorrows and the troubles of desire that we chose
But something they will never know
the way i love him
And yes, he loved me so

Repeat *

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