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2006-08-21 23:46:47


必點的三首歌! 葉璦菱 殘缺的溫柔 -----有人說我很適合唱老歌,但今天我徹底不是老歌天后... 陳綺貞 Self 李欣潔 愛錯 今天唱歌成員幾乎是國中同學,有二毛+男朋友,袁,小依,橘子,高崑,我,總...

2006-08-14 10:46:46


那一天是藉由小花介紹材可以參加的聚餐會。 據說當初會有這個聚餐是因為有一群家長們剛好自己的小孩都在英國讀書, 因此類似交換一些心得的聚會。 我跟我媽成為新的一批成員。 說說地點八, 是在長安東...

2006-08-14 10:46:45


這張笑的也太燦爛了!By 小花的相機(中間那女孩) 寶貝單眼也入鏡了@@ 下面接下來擠張是我拍的人物照 張大嘴吃鳥蛋的Lisa 長大許多的老弟-Richard 他與他的三個高中同學。 ...

2006-08-14 10:46:43


今年,我帶著新寶貝單眼相機來到了海洋音樂季, 暌違兩年,終於又踏上了福隆的海灘上! 這一次其實約的很臨時,不像高中的時候,還會先用網路定車票(堅持有位子)。 但今年卻願意搭乘電車慢慢擠到福隆去。(...

2006-06-21 07:47:26

Afternoon Tea set

Afternoon tea set 18pound per set with 2 scones 3 cakes and 5 kinds of sandwichs Or can choose Cream tea with 3 scones Very concentrate. Jasmine and Arwen Lovely Butter and Strawberry...

2006-06-21 07:47:24


Oh my dear....a year pass.... Pic Jason Hugo LisaDon’t you think My legs seems quite long! The show room.

2006-06-14 04:47:23

Canada Water picnic

The weather is getting nice and nice everyday so why not having a picnic hum? However we didn’t plan to have pic that day so there wasn’t much food as well.... But the sunset is lovely thou... ...

2006-06-14 04:47:21

Shopping Day

This was the first time I went out with my flat mates. We went shopping all day long and spent a lot ! I have bought a top and a skirt for myself and another skirt as a present for my mum. Did...

2006-06-14 02:47:20

Summer always have Fireworks

Open the windon and the firework just play in front of your view.

2006-06-14 01:47:19

Spitalfields market

Nice weather. Spitalfields market, it is a market which sales a lot of designers works. Very interesting. I really should take more pics inside of the market, but for give me , i am too excisting to...

2006-06-01 04:47:18


某個晚上準備去Bar的路上, 那天風很大。站在橋上拍的,很怕掉下橋去。這張就很電音的感覺。

2006-06-01 00:47:18

想住這Canary Wharf

週末再次跑去Canary Wharf看車展, 那邊很明顯的是倫敦為了建一座金融中心所以有很多高樓大廈。 環境很美看起來也很安全, 假日的時候便成了觀光客或附近住宅的居民們休閒的好地方, 摩天大樓下面是個很完整的sh...

2006-05-30 09:47:17

Canary Wharf Cars show2

唉! 就是好喜歡這種車子!

2006-05-30 08:47:16

Canary Wharf Cars show1

這一台車的烤漆顏色超級棒, 每一個角度的顏色都不依樣喔!

2006-05-30 07:47:15

My Final-Butterfly

讀了辛苦的一學期, 終於忙出了成果作品。請室友當model拍照。 因為她真的很瘦很瘦。 不果本人大概150左右而已, 拿出已經變得很生疏的photoshop修了很多。 哈哈哈!

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