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2012-04-24 10:48:54| 人氣187| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

tera gold this period good around development out ball-OOXI

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129792362635468750_194[Oriental flower Qi] 12,045th shuangse Qiu period: 07-09, attention, even regional Shuangse Qiu No. 2012045 forecast and analysis of comprehensive shuangse Qiu lottery number analysis 06 09 10 14 25 03: departure and 86, prediction and value within the range 80-160 tera gold, right; and 119 10 points prediction error; the parity than 2:4 wrong,2:4 error right; current 05 10 15 22 23 24 28 30 measuring over 10 codes; leading 05 10 prediction error; wind prediction error 30 31; weight codes without judgment; interval: prediction error blue bile 1:3:2 1:2:3 04Prediction error 15; blue ball out of the odd-numbered 03, prediction error; No. 2012045 period: optimistic about development around a ball for the current period tera gold, and the range of values: 80-160, parity than bullish on 5:1 or, size than bullish on 4:2 or from the first ball is 06, than the early rose 4 points tera power leveling, positioning error, this period can be considered peripheral developmentBall, focus good out ball number: 07 08 09 15; out of second grain ball is 09, than early with a points, positioning errors, this period good around development out ball, this period focus good number out ball: 08 09 15 16; out of third grain ball is 10, than early drop 1 a points, positioning errors, this period considered around development out ball mainly, heavyPoints concern of number: 09 15 16 24; out of fourth grain ball is 14, than early drop 7 a points, positioning errors, this period considered around out ball of may, focus concern of number: 15 16 24 25 27; out of fifth grain ball is 22, than early drop 4 a points, positioning correctly, this period concern around, ball, concern number 2425 27 29; out of the last ball was 25, than 8 point early drop, positioning error, this issue concerns around development, ball, I focus on: 24 25 29; red bile: 31 15 blue pot: 04 16 mixer: 07 tail: 29 and value: 122 10Weight codes: 25 odd:, or 5:1 even: 7-9 range: 2:2:2 2:1:3 size: or 4:2 the recommended period: 07 08 09 15 16 24 25 27 31-12 red: 07 08 09 15 16 24 25 27 29 318-30 single-note: 07 15 16 24 29 31 basketball: period opened on an odd number 03, wrong, this issue mainly in odd, I am optimistic about 15 04 05! (Champion) The other news around this topic :

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