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2007-02-18 23:08:00

What life is all about?

What life is all about Today is the first day in 2007 in the lunar calendar, so Happy New Year! I watch a TV show which about constellation in this afternoon. A woman in the show said T...

2007-01-27 20:17:02

Miss on My Road

Today began realized: I did not have any position on my caprice. Even if I really want I can do like that. Security is the thing came from you. I just believe what I see. You didn’t know ...

2007-01-04 22:39:08

A Lot of Things

A lot of things want to do..... But I do not have time.. I want to watch music station’s SP and The new year concer of Johnnys......... Ah~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...

2007-01-03 22:25:25

The Funny of Garfield

hate mondays。 我恨星期一。 Never send a man to do a cat’s job。 决不要让人去做猫的工作。 Money is not everything,There’s Mastercard & Visa. 钞票不是万能的,有时还需要信用卡。 ...

2007-01-03 22:15:10

Happy New Year&Starting From Today

I thought I must write my diary in Enlish in order to improve my composition’s score T-T starting from today... I hope the score will be better... Actuality,this part of the examination is v...

2006-10-02 17:12:11


前途 是光明的. 道路 是麯折的. 愛情 是偉大的. 我們, 是渺小的........

2006-03-22 22:36:46
2006-03-21 23:01:55
2006-03-12 00:42:52


完蛋鳥..... 我今晚不用睡暸..啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊阿 KAT-TUN真的是祅孽團啊!!!!!!!!! 雖然從前天開始就已經有看截圖..... 可是到剛材, 我宣佈,曾某人徹底掛掉暸說.... OMG!!!!!!!...

2006-02-27 19:55:54

糖 果

吃过立波糖么 圆形铁盒子 白色的细粉 里面躺着水果味的糖粒 初入口是不能忍受的酸 象是要把舌头酸没了样 有立即吐出来的冲动 慢慢的酸味淡了没了 转成细细密密的甜 直到糖粒溶化 让人爱不释口的再扔进一粒...

2006-02-23 22:17:41


祝 龜梨和也(赤西和美)生日快樂!! 20歲成人快樂~!!!!!!! 今后,也請繼續努力下去! 和赤西仁&KAT-TUN!! PS: 大賀,月之道註冊成功!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-02-20 20:07:20


改變不暸.就衹有接受....... 但是,我不要沒有嘗試就放棄.......

2006-02-18 19:47:02


我們可以選擇愛他她它 為甚麼就是不能愛自己? 彿說,倖福在彼岸. 我不會遊泳 所以,無法看到自己倖福的樣子...

2006-02-08 20:12:38


1、首先大家伸出两手,将中指向下弯曲,对靠在一起,就是中指的背跟背靠在一起。 2、然后将其它的4个手指分别指尖对碰。 3、在开始游戏的正题之前,请确保以下过程中,5个手指只允许一对手指分开。下面开始...

2006-02-06 21:50:35


不喜歡活在現在. 有這種想法的人未必是孤獨的, 但必定是帶有某種遺憾活着的人. 我甚麼都沒有失去,想必將來得到的更多 我依然過得很好,想必將來衹會更好 有很多人愛我,想必將來會有更多人愛我 ...

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