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2006-01-16 01:31:48| 人氣163| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Weekly Update

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It had been an unusual and interesting week – It is a shame that I don’t have the energy to make this a ‘proper diary’ but here you go.. The following is what I have been up to this week.

Had my first meeting with this Ania woman (my supervisor) in the term. Have been trained to get used to the ‘mo loi~ness’, so wasn’t really bothered by it. Lunch with MC @ Hampers, amazingly our offices are just one street away. As I couldn’t bare the office environment so I went to see if there was anything interesting in the Jan sales after lunch. I think my shopping moods have all gone now, is this good or bad? After that, I decided to join Bay and JK for dinner (JK is Bay’s so-call ex), something that I surely wouldn’t have done in the past. It was the first time we met, comments with her remained.

Extremely shit day for me. Missed the train at Blackfriars by 1 MINUTE, since the trains are 30 min apart, this meant that I had to somehow get to Elephant & Castle and catch the bus from there. It was a long and FRUSTRATING journey. When I finally got into work, a guest of Peter’s was sitting at my desk as if the desk belonged to him and hence I had nowhere to sit!!!!!! No one knew what he was doing in there and I couldn’t just ask him to leave. While I was sitting in the common room complaining about this man and telling people how frustrated I had been with the train, JC came along and told me more bad news with the newsletter. (I wanted to explode at that time!!!!!!!!).

So, I chucked myself out and worked in the library instead. Met up with GL for dinner @ Bertorelli after this shit day. The meal turned out to be quite expensive despite the 15-pound-off voucher. We had some good and long chats, and he was telling me how much he regretted doing his PhD.. um.. some thoughts for me to reflect on what I am doing now….!!!

What a day!!

Went into work for the morning, and I had my desk back!!! Sometimes I do wonder about the point in going into the office. Not only do I feel out of place, I become so unproductive too. Left just before lunch to see my cardiologist about my irregular heart beat problem at the Barts. I realized that I was by far the youngest among the patients. The Doctor reassured me that it was a normal thing to have this ectopic heart beat (extra heart beats), but to be 100% sure, he referred me to undergo a 24-hr ECG, and an ultrasound of the heart.

Went to my ECG and ultrasound appointment at 10am to have the 24-hr ECG device fitted. There were three wires attached to my left, middle and right chest, leading to a device of a size of a mini ipod with a timer at the other end. In order to hide all these wires, they were wrapped round my body once as they were too long. I felt as though I was carrying a bomb when I got into the tube. I can now imagine how inconvenient it would be for some people who have to have special devices fitted to their body due to their medical conditions.

Had my ECG device removed in the morning, I was free!! Instead of getting on with my literature review, I spent my afternoon giving my bathroom a complete thorough clean. The reason for that being my urge for a bath, it kind of didn’t make sense, and was a classic example of 為一碟豉油而買隻雞.
Dinner @ Benihana to celebrate HK’s birthday. An interesting restaurant, they cook the food right in front of you on an aluminum surface providing some sort of entertainment at the same time. The whole restaurant was very smoky though. Haagen Dazs to follow. Took the night bus home, N50 was definitely faster than N15.

Got up at late as expected. Cooked breakfast and set off to PC’s to play mj, it was definitely an attractive activity on a cold, rainy and miserable day, so some of us decided to stay instead of joining JH for indoor tennis as originally planned. Watched that ‘dong yum gong’ elephant/ fighting film, don’t remember much, but more mj to come after that.

I found another allergy of mine – I am allergic to monosodiumglutamate (味精). The symptoms for this are increase of heart beat, shortness of breath and tightening of facial muscle. I have had this experience before and it came back!!

Comment for today. I am soooo disappointed with Tam HK, in fact, I was upset and angry. I really don’t know if I should blame her for that and to a certain degree it is not entirely her fault. I guess it’s just me taking things too seriously, it is always best to keep a distance, and I have to emphasis on how much I hate people who are 有異性無人性!!

P.S. My plant Mary is confirmed dead.


台長: 瑪姫
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