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2005-03-01 20:38:24| 人氣807| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Love, Jay

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Anita:I am still single and I guess I will keep single for coming 2yrs
Jump :haha good!
No need of love? No need of someone? No need of SEX?
Anita:Well, I need love, need someone, need SEX of course.
However, I couldn’t find someone is suit for me and I don’t
think it is easy to get one.
Jump :Because you are too picky?You have high standard? Or still
enjoy your single life? Ha?
Anita:I just need someone who are thoughtful, who are kind to people,
who can give me good advice?
Jump :Me, too. I am looking for my true love.
Gals came in came out. Not satisfied. Maybe they are not my type.
Or I have too high standard? Haha
But I am getting along with a Japanese gal. Who is 5yrs younger
than me? Hah
I am happy but……don’t know if she is my true love.
I prefer Thai people. But couldn’t even find one?
Anita:How long you are together?
Jump :About 3-4 months. We don’t know whether we are a couple or not.
Seems like she doesn’t love me and I am not in love with her.
Actually, we have been friends for a while.
Anita:So what do you guys do when you meet with each other?
Jump :Handing out together. Go shopping. Have dinner. Watch movie. Stay
in her place or my place. Kiss. Sex. Everything. But……. is it
love? I dont know.
I just feel like I really care her and she is doing the same.
But we never say love.
Never say we are bf/gf. No sweet words.
Anita:Do you feel something special when you see her or got her call?
Jump :Of course.
Anita:So that means you like her.
Jump :I like her. Probably. But not love. She as well.
Anita:Did you have love feelings before?
Jump :I of course love my gf ~every galgf
I love them, then I would say she is my galgf.
I don’t feel I love her caz she just said she like me~ not love.
Then, my feelin is like……umm….probably I am not in love with
her, too.
Anita:So you guys just are two lonely people.
Jump :Haha! Could be. I don’t wanna just have fun, you know. No more
playing around.
Yearn for someone.….who can be with me. Sharing ideas, share
anything with me.
Anita:I am looking for a relationship like u two now.
Jump :Ha? Really? Is it considered a true love? You don’t wanna
have a true love?

Jump is one of my classmates of language school in San Francisco. He is from Thailand. And he enters the school I want to apply, too, which is called ”Academic Art University (AAU)”. That is one of the best Art schools in the United States. He is in the same age with me. Besides, we are both single for several years. We have been talking about love for a several times. We have the same comments about being singles.
However, he tells me his love affair lately and asks me what is true love. What is true love on earth? I cant explain it, give a definition of it since I have lost it. He and the Japanese gal, their relationship which I believe it is a great sample of young people’s relationship nowadays. People are so lonely. They have deep desire of being love, and sex as well. But most of them would rather having sex first, especially when they are from big city. I couldnt disagree with them caz I need it also. But I need the feeling of safety, being trust and being close more highly than that. However, Orson’s appearence gives me a challenge of relationship that I have never experiend. I begin to consider if I should open my mind, my thoughts to try to make it work out~mixed two oppsite opinions.

台長: 安妮塔
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