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Is Australia PR with 65 points for Australia?

For  Australia  primary residency visa 65 points are the minimum eligibility criteria. Your immigration score is 65 points means you can apply for Australia Permanent Residency visa. But I will say that chances to receive the invitation from DIBP are very less.

As per the current invitation round results, the Australian immigration authority is inviting those applicants who have the highest of the points above 70 or 75 on priority bases. and 65 points for ICT security specialist occupation, you might need to wait long to get an Invitation. You may or may not get an invitation.

I will suggest you to increase the immigration score first. There are different methods to increase your points. Know more about  Australia Point System  first to get an idea of ​​how you can increase your immigration score.

Read more here

台長: Aman
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