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2003-06-03 11:53:47| 人氣38| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

致謝辭--Hey Sitthi, this one is for you!

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Yes, I am rite now back in Taiwan. However, there is still something that I really need to say. Hey, Sitthi, this one is for you. This is what I promised you, something about you, some GOOD things about you. Is it surprising you? Ha

When did I first meet you? Hrm, let me think…I think it is the day right before our department orientation. Am I right? I first met you in the lobby of the Owen Hall, where you were talking with you Thai friends. I think that was Ting, the beautiful Thai girl, I mean, from my viewpoint, she is really a pretty girl. What was I doing there? Hrm, okay, I forgot. But it should be something really important. Coz I was really busy when I first arriving at East Lansing, and I don’t think I would go any places without a good reason. Hrm, as I remembered, it was one of my Taiwan friend introduce you to me. At the first place, I was shy. Hey! Don’t laugh at me, okay? I am SHY still! However, honestly, I didn’t expect that we would become good friends at that time. I thought that was just a normal beginning. But, I was wrong, since that day, I got a truly important friend in not only those two years, but in my whole life.

Sitthi, I really need to say thanks to you. Even I never pronounce your FULL name correctly, you still need to believe the fact that I take you as my best friend in the US. You are always my true friend supporting me with your easy conversation and funny jokes. Although, it seemed to be almost impossible to save me from my endless depression, you still spent lots of time trying to cheer me up. I also need to thank you for teaching me skills about computer and designing. I know, I was a dumb student, I even didn’t know basic things about PhotoShop or Dearmweaver. However, I got a really good teacher, who provided me not only knowledge but also “software.” Although the software was always illegal, I was still very appreciated. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. Oops, did I say anything? By the way, I also enjoyed watching you playing the Final Fantasy. I know, that couldn’t be a happy experience for you because I always kept asking the storyline. However, I still need to say that I did enjoy and I hope next time you would have something different for me to watch you playing. Are you also expecting that? Ha

Living all alone in the US was never an easy thing. I respect your strong mind and hard working spirits. Honestly, you made me feel like you are really a role model for students studying abroad. You seldom go back home, you earn your living by your hands, you always do your best for your schooling, and the most important thing is you still have time for fun. I really envy you to have ability like that. Therefore, please become someone really outstanding, then, I could tell my friends that outstanding person was my schoolmate, and my good friend! : p

You have my words that I will be your tour guide in Taiwan. So…..please try to squeeze some time for visiting me in Taiwan. I’ve planed lots of places to show you. Are you excited for that? I am! Not only for your visiting but also my trip in Thailand! Hahaha

I am already starting to miss you. How about you, my dear friend?

台長: april
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