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having quadrupled over the course of the past

Over the past few years, the world market has seen an unexpected and almost unbelievable explosion in the price of gold. As the backup for our currency, we rely heavily upon its continued value in our treasury.Real, shiny, honest-to-goodness gold rests in the vaults of the national treasury, as a surety for all of the paper money currently in circulation i. The EconomyWith the ever-present recession and unemployment rates reaching frightening figures, it can be difficult to find a silver lining in our cloudy economy, the more gold the government has in the treasury, the more currency they can print. Consumers are inundated with commercials urging people to turn in their old and unwanted jewelry for cash, which has proven a savvy move for those in the business of gold.While market nay-sayers would stress the idea that what goes up, must come down, gold seems to be riding safely high above most other markets.

These businesses are gaining the upper hand by running their own refineries and selling the precious metal at previously unheard of prices. In the fall of 2009, gold had risen to the record high of  per ounce, having quadrupled over the course of the past decade. In what has proven itself to be an ever-changing market, we should not be surprised to find that our silver lining is in fact, gold.Among the list of topics one is bound to see on any given nightly news cast, there are certain issues that can be counted on. Experts predict that prices could rise astronomically, some even venturing a value in excess of $5,000 an ounce. The current bull market, along with the inflation that has ballooned since the start of the recession lend themselves to the well being of the precious metal in a big way. In todays world, the need for the money that the average individual stands to make far outstrips the desire to hang on to an old watch or an outdated pair of gold earrings. Celebrity GossipAnd4.

Keep in mind the fact that the entire American economy is backed up by gold. Miners have invested over 12 billion dollars in recent years to bring to the surface more of the element we rely so heavily on, and despite the much predicted and hypothesized downturn in value, signs indicate that the movement isnt ready to slow down. Steps are being taken to help improve our current economical stagnation, but gold continues to play a large part in boosting our national market.

The current scarcity of that money is exactly what makes the metal so valuable to Americans and our government. Healthcare Reform2. The War3. Some Twill Fabrics Manufacturers market experts call for a heavier investment in other commodities, such as lead or cotton, but gold remains the traditional fail safe. That little Au on the periodic table has rarely been more valuable.For those that might wonder exactly what makes gold so valuable, there is a great deal more to gold than fashion and fancy eating utensils.

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