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2009-10-21 09:10:35| 人氣33| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Malik Madani

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How long has it been since we are not together? Has it been 2 months? Taking it as a dream, a fairy tale.
I totally have no idea since am so afraid to know....
Thought I am overpassed. Today, however, saw you posted telling her you love her, felt something breaking deep inside of me.
It's an old post, you wrote it before we had met each other. Of course you love her at that time. I still feel painful at somehow.....
you are not supposed to flirt me every time you see me. you are not supposed to call me every moment i am missing you. you are not supoosed to ask me out every night i wish to be with you. you are not suposed to kiss me when we are dancing. you are not supposed to touch me when we are alone. you are not supposed to buy me a ring and give reason to remember you which is the last thing I should do.you are not supposed to give the magic theory when talking about our relationship, to make our behaviors reasonable......and many and many could go on. most important of all, of course you are supposed to love her only since she's your..........spouse.
I'm over it, part of me wants to break into it but part of me told myself not to do it. i made the big mistake so i have to sort it out like an adult.
I dated some guys after you. They are pretty nice and all available with no guilt, however all I think about when hanging out with them is what will you do if it's you here, what will you say when bringing up this topic...it's not fair to the new guys but i cannot help, i cannot give any promises to them, cannot tell them the reasons. will there be one in the future to open me up, to devote myself? Does God know it?

it was me who firstable brought it up to leave you and I will not speak to you anymore.

台長: andrea
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全站分類: 男女話題(愛情、男女、交友)

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