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2007-06-15 16:01:24| 人氣1,772| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

美國專利37 CFR 1.72 Title and abstract說明書之標題與摘要

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根據mpep規定,標題應當儘可能簡捷且長度不應超過500字元,標題內即使出現”一”(”a,” ”an,” and “the” )、”新”、與”改良”(”new”, “improved”, ”improvement of” and ”improvement in” )等文字將不會被允許,即使將來獲准後,官方在輸入電腦記錄中仍會將其刪除。

606 Title of Invention [R-5]-600 Parts,Form,and Content of Application

606 Title of Invention【R-5】
37 CFR 1.72 Title and abstract
(a) The title of the invention may not exceed 500 characters in length and must be as short and specific as possible. Characters that cannot be captured and recorded in the Office’s automated information systems may not be reflected in the Office’s
records in such systems or in documents created by the Office. Unless the title is supplied in an application data sheet (§ 1.76), the title of the invention should appear as a heading on the first page of the specification.

The title of the invention should be placed at the top of the first page of the specification unless it is provided in the application data sheet (see 37 CFR 1.76).

The title should be brief but technically, accurate and descriptive and should contain fewer than 500 characters. Inasmuch as the words ”new”, “improved”, ”improvement of” and ”improvement in” are not considered as parts of the title of the invention, these words should not be included at the beginning of the title of the invention and will be deleted when the Office enters the title into the Office’s computer records, and when any patent issues.
Similarly, the articles ”a,” ”an,” and “the” should not be included at the first words of the title of the invention and will be deleted when the Office enters the title into the Office’s computer records, and when any patent issues.

台長: amy
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