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2005-07-30 15:08:59| 人氣50| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Life by Chocolate

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It\'s time for chosing our favorite food.
There are many choices of course--cakes, muffins, pies...
But one seems to have overshadowed all others: Chocolate.

Being my very much loved food, chocolate is always in my recipes.
I just can\'t control myself for not eating chocolate--such a fasinating food.
Chocolate is a lure for many people, especially for girls.
Knowing eating too much may cause fat,even obesity,though, girls still put chocolate on their food list.
So, is there any secret in chocolate for holding so many peoples\' heart?
Driven by curiosity, I\'ve found some information about chocolate.

Chocolate\'s history takes us back to about 600A.D. where the ancient Mayans of Mexico considered the Cocoa Bean to be the ultimate status symbol.
It served as their currency.
And those lucky enough to have lots used their exess to mix a drink of Chocolate and spices called\"chocolatl\", believing it to bring wisdom and power.
By the 1500s, the Mayans\' love for chocolate had been adopted by the Aztecs, especially by their Emperor Montezuma.
Legend has it that he drank as many as 50 cups of chocolate a day!
And he is reputed to have claimed:\"The divine drink builds up resistance and fight fatigue. Acup of this precious drink permits a man to walk for a whole day without food.\"

Fast forward a few hundred years to the 18th Century. It was then that the great Ltalian lover Casanova credited Cocoa for his famed mojo.
He made sure he never went on a date without it!
And it was about this very same time that one of the America\'s founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson, saw the importance of Chocolate, too.
In 1785 he worte,\"The superiority of chocolate, both for health and nourishment, will soon give it prefernce over tea and coffee.\"

Todays modern science melts te myths about the dark side of chocolate.
In fact, one Harvard University study recently revealed that our deep love of chocolate may lead to a happier life.
The world\'s favourite food is choc-full of potent plant polyphenols (phytochemicals know to help increase the body\'s natural defenses).
These powerful antioxidants help to protect against the age-accelerating effects of free radicals now, and for the future.

Cocoa is kaleidoscope of over 400components including vitamins and minerals like potassium, magnesium, copper, calcium and iron.
Chocolate also contains both Phenylethylamine and Seratonin, Two \"feel-good\" substances that are natually released when we\'re happy, in love or feeling passionate.

台長: 辰兒
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