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2005-03-10 11:08:00| 人氣50| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

vision on monday

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it's time to think of changing. a new way of living. it is the passion of something that leads me to do some really deep consideration of oneself's ultimacy of humanity. deep down it's kind of scary and helpless though you think you'll be saved within a blink of an eye. but then comes in someone you treasure and have pleasure to interact with. problems will not be solved by anyone but oneself in the context of the worldly affairs, but you know there is a way, or even more alternatives to set your feet on. the surroundings can be a preoccupation, yet we can't be bold to stay away from temptation of any kind. let's just face them, no matter how hard they seem to be from one's point of view. all i know today is things can be better than previous expectation and worries, and important decision is going to be made within a short time. i pray for the best of time management and won't let myself trap as the prey inside someone's jaw where blood is beginning to flow like a fountain.

intimacy grows. that's another good sign.

台長: 亞發
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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