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2004-09-15 23:31:46| 人氣37| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

monster's ball

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i bought the dvd for quite a long time before i watched it. i postponed to watch it because of the backcover description, which said the movie is about race descrimination. i expect this movie is boring, pacing is slow, the story is around the relationship between the four characters (billy, hedge, hall, and her husband), the execution will be the climax of the movie like 'green mile' and 'dead man walking' (both are good movies and give me unforgettable experiences). fortunately, the reality is far from my expectation. the pacing is fast. the story is focus on two characters only and showed how they understand each other. like 'the sixth sense', the movie is about communication and understanding, rather than race discrimination, which can impress audiences around the world. the ending is very powerful. at first halle berry misinterpreted billy's intention, but later she understood everything, there is no single verbal communication between them. few movies had powerful ending without a single word. the music of the movie is repetitive but with suppression, fully demonstrate the pressure encompassed to the characters.

台長: Albert Tam
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV)

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