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2002-09-21 06:51:40| 人氣90| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

【The Bad Girl’s Guide】

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Two weeks ago, I found a book called 《The Bad Girl’s Guide─To Getting What You Want》. It’s a pocket book, with this pink title on its silver cover. According to this book, the author Cameron Tuttle gets what she wants in San Francisco.

Why “Bad girl”? You may ask. In fact, “bad” is not the point. Everyone wants to get what he/she wants but fails just like you and me. Do you want to change this sad situation? Absolutely. Is there any risk? Of course, there are lots of risks. The most important part is that no matter what you do, have fun doing it.

A bad girl knows what she wants and how to get it. She makes her own rules, makes her own way, and makes no apologies. Isn’t it cool? However, I do not mean that we never say sorry when we make mistakes. I just agree with the author that we can do things right, and get anything and everything─with style.

Here is the to-do list for the bad girls in the book:

Be fearless
Be passionate
Be a rebel
Be an independent thinker
Be the anti-Barbie
Be satisfied
Be yourself

I hope this works on you too, no matter you are girls or boys, good or bad.

台長: 小呆
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