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2002-09-18 11:55:20| 人氣100| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

【A Letter for Eileen】

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Dear Eileen:

Thanks for your greeting.

I was so moved by your words that I even couldn’t stop laughing with tears.

I can even see your beautiful smile in my mind.

Now I know what sisters for.

You are not only my little sister, but my very first and best friend.

We always played together, did homework together, showered together, went to the movies together, sang together, and laugh and cried together.

Of course, we also fight to each other all the time.

However, you know I’ll stand by your side forever, and I know you will too.

Thanks for everything you gave me, those wonderful memories.

With Love,


台長: 小呆
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