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2009 points to a professional pet -themed clothing bags Cult

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2009 points to a professional pet -themed clothing bags Culture Festival Sunday staged-素食迴轉火鍋吃到飽

 ,2009 points to a professional pet -themed clothing bags Culture Festival Sunday staged

first to professional pet -themed clothing , bags and Culture Festival Sunday in the Honey Lake Agricultural Center opened. By then, Shenzhen, pet owners will have the opportunity to experience up close nearly thousands of pet fashion clothing, bags and unique charm.


It is understood that the pet luggage culture by Shenzhen Yue Sen pet agencies jointly nearly 50 professional pet products supplier co-sponsored. Kwok organizers responsible person , in recent years ,coach包包¸, the Shenzhen keen pets, dogs and cats love to indulge dress more and more pet owners . And , other places of different categories of pets every year compared to professional activities , professional exhibition in Shenzhen pet market has not regulate them . For a long time yet , Shenzhen pet lovers only went for their pet Taobao .

 There will be live

Shenzhen Frisbee dog star dog clubs offer professional performances for the public . Organizers will hold the " special dress just for special you " pet dress contest, from the field to " pet " and named " Best Dressed Award", " Most Popular Award " and " most like dogs with their owners Awards . "

 pet clothing bags

The festival not only fill the long-term lack of Shenzhen exhibition space , Shenzhen is also a family pet grand "dog" a good opportunity to serve . It is reported , then, there will be nearly ten thousand pieces of pet clothing,coach包包¸, bags while opening show . It also includes a limited edition offering Japanese and Korean clothing, bags .





台長: 凋零的承諾
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