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2011-05-27 17:05:48| 人氣160| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Hey, Charlie.

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Hello, Charlie.
I want to make some ppt files about you for my presentation, hoping you don’t      mind.
Doing that makes me like a creazy fan, but I won’t follow behind you or call you in  the early morning.
The United Kingdom is too far away for me.
Don’t worry!lol

You are interesting, but turning you into a presentation is tiring.
I hope that I will get good grade, and everyone enjoys my presentation.

I have made one ppt file only.
There is long way to go.
Cheer up.

If I get a chance to meet you, I will shout out"I find you!".lol

台長: Caroline.


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