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2006-05-24 22:03:03| 人氣134| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Go to your music player of choice and put it on shuffle. Say the following questions aloud, and press play. Use the song title as the answer to the question.”

---引自Zen 的網站。

1)How does the world see me? 《不能和你一起》孫燕姿


2)Will I have a happy life? 《Fly Away 》FIR


3)What do my friends really think of me? 《愛情的顔色》,楊丞琳

--- Huh?

4)Do people secretly lust after me? 《我一直都在》蘇永康


5)How can I make myself happy? 《家》陳潔儀


6)What should I do with my life 《十字路口》龔詩嘉

---“闭上眼睛 勇敢向前行走 跟随着那心跳的节奏 是旋风的出口。。。”

7)Will I ever have children?《垃圾車》五月天 (福建歌)

--忒波。(aka 聼不懂。)

8)What is good advice for me? 《Fly Away》梁靜茹

---“有一個人,有一顆心 早已經默默之中在那裏。。。”Oh yeah…

9)How will I be remembered? 《多希望變成你》江美琪


10)What is my signature dancing song? 《When you believe》Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston


11)What do I think my current song is? 《我還記得》梁靜茹

--- 或許。。。

12)What does everyone else think my theme song is 《早有預謀》容祖兒

--- 無言。。。這首歌好聽。。。

13)What song will be played at my funeral? 《瘋狂呢》同恩

--- “oh baby you are free 也许我能放开自己
你走的天空是蓝的 忧郁是自已的
oh baby set me free 承诺我不想再听见了
留下的眼泪是灰色的 可你是自由的 把我的疯狂带走了”

14)What type of men/women do I really like? 《我喜歡》David Tao

---“我喜歡這樣的感覺 我只想要簡單的快樂。。。回到最初的感動 常常歡笑 我的好朋友”

15)What is my day going to be like? 《讓我恨他一晚》Eason Chen


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