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2007-08-04 23:48:28| 人氣175| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Yesterday I cried again before sleep. The tears were so warm and I wondered whether there were still any heat left in my heart.

I am so dead these days.

Disappointments...... blames...... comparisons....... I don’t know how many times I just wanted to drown myself so to forget all about my pain. I can’t even handle a sad song.

Nobody understands. I wish I could cry as long as I need, but I was too busy to cry. I don’t even have time to find someone to talk to.

I am so stressed. I guess no one can explain why such things could happen to me again and again. I do not have a clue too.

How many nights more? Before I can start being my simple me. How many struggles more? Before I can smile without crying inside?

I just don’t know.......

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Helen, I am so sorry to hear that.
我都唔想講老土野... coz it maybe not meaningful for you and you won`t want to hear that...
You will get other much better than that one and current one... just matter of timing... you know it...now it happen is happen...nobody can change and do too.
Don`t think about the past but present and future...
anyways, u know ... i am always here. we can meet for coffee ...just SMS me. ok????
don`t think too much....we are in the same boat.
2007-08-05 01:15:31
thank you so much ar....i feel a little better these days. talked to several friends and colleagues, felt much better now.... thanks again!!
2007-08-17 19:38:51
and of course,the life is still so beautiful in your
eyes.now and forever..
so ,cheer up 。
2007-08-16 23:35:55
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